Mechanical Bull


All Bulls come with an operator (mandatory due to our insurance) and includes set- up.
Minimum 3 -hour rental. Starting Price $1899 plus mileage
$400 per hour thereafter. Please note events that run after 11 pm add Late-night fees!

We provide waivers to be signed by each rider. Please provide someone on site to ensure this is done- we will review with that person prior to event start time so have them onsite prior! Or add Staff from Carnivals for Kids at extra hourly cost of $75 per hour as of Jan 1 2025 –
Price may increase without notice but once booked and paid the price will be locked in!
Email: for more information





Heart pumping, exhilarating, and just plain fun! Our mechanical bulls are not just for Stampede, and are great for any age! Who will be the King of the Ring?


Please note information before booking a Mechanical Bull

Mechanical Bull basic information for client pre bookings 

We require provided on-site:

Power – 2 dedicated circuits that reach the bull ring and console or ADD Generator at extra cost ( please book well in advance)

We require a minimum if a 20×20 flat area or slightly bigger is even better

 a 10.5-foot  height or taller ceiling in the middle where the Bull

MB can be set up outdoors only if all requirements are met PLUS no rain/ snow/ moisture in the forecast the full-time frame of the event including setup and take down. We do not offer any sort of refund if the weather does not permit setup AND an indoor backup in not provided – a 20×20 high top tent with a peak in the middle at least 10.5 feet tall!

If evening event – adequate lighting is required. We do not operate  or takedown in the dark for safety reasons

Parking with trailer minimum 50 feet

Unloading area as close to setup as possible – No stairs ( stairs or long hauls will be added to the invoice and if not disclosed at contract time could affect your event!

Also –  keep in mind that we require waivers to be signed – under 18 a parent or guardian to sign off: 

One person must be provided from the renter to ensure waivers are signed off on and each rider understands rules and safety requirements or add $75 per hour min 3 hours plus possible travel time if outside of Calgary areas